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President Donald Trump Speech on Stimulus Omnibus Veto and the 2020 Election December 22, 12-22-20
(※President Donald Trump Speech on the 2020 Election は6:49~)
My fellow Americans, today I want to explain to you
why I am so determined to pursue
every legal and constitutional option available
to stop the theft of the presidential election.
As president, one of my most solemn duties is
to protect the integrity of your sacred right of vote.
This year using the virus as a pretext
democrat officials in the key swing states
illegally violated their own state laws
in order to enable encourage and facilitate fraud
on a scale never before seen in the history of our country.
The truth is we won the election by a landslide.
We want it big today I’m going to give you facts
that every American needs to know.
Let’s go back to the night of the election.
By midnight we had a commanding lead
in the swing states.
We won Florida by a record number of votes.
We won Ohio by a record number of votes
and likewise we won Iowa by 8.2 percent
far different
than the false narrative portrayed in the media.
We were up by 293,000 votes in Michigan,
112,000 votes in Wisconsin,
356,000 votes in Georgia
and nearly 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania.
In all swing states,
these numbers were absolutely impossible
for Joe Biden to overcome.
And the democrats knew it
and everybody forecasting,
knew it and understood it well.
Our nation’s greatest political professionals
were calling to congratulate me on our victory
Then suddenly everything started to disappear,
everything started to change.
The vote counting abruptly stopped
in multiple states in the middle of the night.
A series of massive and statistically
inconceivable vote dumps
overturned the results in state after state.
At 6:31 a.m. very early in the morning
Michigan suddenly reported
147,224 votes 94% for Biden, 6% for Trump.
At 4:42 a.m. Wisconsin reported
143,279 votes almost all of them for Biden.
A similar massive drop of ballots happened
in Georgia at 1:34 a.m.
again almost all of these votes for Biden.
These gigantic and ridiculously
one-sided spikes were miraculously just enough
to push Joe Biden into the lead
in all of the key swing states.
These glaring anomalies are the tip of the iceberg.
We want 18 of 19 bellwether counties a record
that have correctly predicted
the winner of every presidential election
for the last 40 years.
We also won Ohio, Florida and Iowa
by historic margins
meaning Biden would be the first candidate since 1960
and only the second candidate in American history
to win the White House
while losing all three of those major states
and it wasn’t even close with Joe Biden
at the top of the ticket.
The democrats lost 25 out of 26 toss-up house seats.
That’s a record democrats were projected
to gain 15 seats and instead because of my success
and coattails as they call them they lost 14 seats.
So think of that,
they were going to win big and they ended up losing big.
My campaign received
more votes than any president in history.
Almost 75 million people voted for me.
We earned approximately 12 million more votes
than we got in 2016.
The largest vote increase
for an incumbent president ever recorded.
I also received the largest share of non-white voters
of any republican in over 60 years.
In fact we did better
with African American and Hispanic voters
everywhere in the country
except for a small handful of corrupt democrat-run cities
in key swing states.
Places notorious for fraud
such as Milwaukee, Detroit,
Atlanta and Philadelphia,
all run by democrat machine politicians.
No president has ever lost reelection
while making such extraordinary gains
across the board.
There’s never been anything like it.
Yet despite all of this evidence
of a thundering Trump victory
and all of those projections all through the night.
They want us to believe
that Joe Biden who seldom left his basement
to campaign
somehow received 11.7 million more votes
than Barack Obama.
And he beat Barak Obama all over the country.
It is historically mathematically
politically and logically impossible.
It did not happen. He did not win.
We won by a landslide.
Over the past 7 weeks,
we have put forth abundant evidence
proving how the democrats perpetrated
this monstrous fraud on the American people
and indeed the world.
First we have shown
that officials in virtually every key swing state
brazenly violated their own state laws
in order to change election procedures
eliminate safeguards promote fraud.
And illegally benefit Joe Biden and legislatures
which have to make the changes were seldom
if ever used.
For example,
Pennsylvania’s radial democrat secretary of state
suspended all signature verification requirements.
Breaking Pennsylvania law not to mention
the big and very illegal ballot drops.
In Michigan the secretary of state a democrat
illegally flooded the state with absentee ballot applications,
even though Michigan law strictly limits
the distribution of absentee ballots.
In Wisconsin the major democrat cities deployed
over 500 unmanned unsecured ballot drop boxes
that were blatantly illegal paving the way
for unlawful ballot harvesting and tremendous fraud.
In Georgia, the secretary of state
began illegally processing ballots
weeks before Election Day
and also destroyed the signature verification systems
in violation of the law.
Many other horrible things were done in Georgia.
These actions alone were more than enough
to rig election results for democrats.
Second the absentee ballot rejection rates prove that
hundreds of thousands of illegitimate ballots
were counted in the key states.
This was sufficient to change the election results
all on its own.
In 2016, 6.4% of mail-in ballots were rejected
in Georgia.
This year, fewer than a tiny percentage of one percent
were rejected.
So you went all the way down
a difference of more than 30 times.
The same phenomena occurred
in Pennsylvania and other states.
They were accepting all of these ballots
many of which were absolutely illegal.
In a year in which the number of mail-n ballots was
the highest ever.
The rejection rate was magically the lowest ever
and it wasn’t even close.
The only possible explanation is that
tens of thousands of ballots were unlawfully
processed and counted.
Most Americans would be shocked to learn
that in no swing state
is there any meaningful attempt to verify citizenship,
residency, identity or eligibility for mail-in balance.
The potential for illegal activity is unlimited
and that’s what we just experienced.
Third Hundreds and hundreds of witnesses
have come forward to testify under penalty of perjury
about the cheating and fraud they saw with their own eyes.
Witnesses have sworn
that they saw poll workers illegally backdating
thousands of ballots.
Counting batches of the same ballots many times
and unloading boxes and boxes of ballots
all bearing the same signature and all for Joe Biden.
Other witness have testified to
Seeing thousands of so-called pristine ballots
with no creases or falls all voting for Biden
when you have no fault it means it wasn’t mailed.
It means it was a fraud
Republican poll watchers were denied critical access
as hundreds of thousands of votes were counted
in democrat-run cities in the essential states.
There is even security camera footage from Georgia
that shows officials telling poll watchers
to leave the room
before pulling suitcases of ballots out
from under the tables and continuing to count for hours.
The reason they were forced to leave the room
is they said there was a major water main break,
the water main break never happened,
there was no water main break.
In many cases
republican poll watchers
were physically remove from rooms.
In addition
there is the deeply troubling matter of
dominion voting systems
in just one Michigan County alone,
six thousand votes were switched from Trump to Biden.
And same system was used
throughout a majority of the United States.
No satisfactory explanation has been offered
for why dominion systems are able to switch votes
with a mere push of a button in Arizona
the state senate has recently issued a subpoena
for a forensic audit of the voting machine
and similar investigations
must be conducted in every state
using dominion systems immediately.
In Texas they don’t allow dominion systems
to be used as I have just laid out.
We have unveiled
overwhelming evidence of election fraud.
None of this should ever have been allowed to happen
in the United States of America.
It is a travesty of democracy.
It’s a shame upon our republic.
In 2016, we caught them by surprise
from that moment they had four years
to work on the scheme to rig the 2020 election.
The rigging of the 2020 election was only the final step
in the democrats and the media’s years- long effort
to overthrow the will of the American people
and destroy our movement
by any means possible any means necessary
for months and indeed years before the election.
The media, the big tech giants
and democrat party were openly colluding
to deceive the American public.
Earlier this year was proven beyond any doubt
that Joe Biden’s family received millions of dollars
from the Chinese communist Party.
Yet the media and tech companies work together
to completely censor this information.
That’s right.
Our country no longer has a free press.
It is a press of suppression.
It is a press where the truth will never come out.
It is the greatest and most shocking scandal
involving a presidential candidate in modern history.
But survey show that
half of those who voted for Joe Biden
have never even heard of the story.
This is not the first and only time
that the media and the Biden Campaign
flagrantly lied to the American people.
They repeatedly insisted
that we would not produce
a vaccine for the China virus
before the middle of the next year,
and yet before the end of this year
we have already authorized two vaccines
with tens of millions of doses of distribution,
and hundreds of millions more on their way.
This is being talked of as a great medical miracle
in this sense alone the media
and the democrat party lied to the American people
to try to steal the election.
Also polls in order to deter voter turnout,
the media had me down in certain polls
by 15, 16 and 17 percent in states
that I won or came very close to winning
If this egregious fraud is
not fully investigated and addressed,
the 2020 election will forever be regarded
as illegitimate and the most corrupt election
in the history of our country.
American must be able to have complete faith
and confidence in our elections.
The fate of our democracy depends upon it.
Now is the time for the American people
to raise their voices and demand
that this injustice be immediately corrected.
Our election must be fair.
They must be honest and must be transparent.
And they must be 100 % free of fraud.
We won this election by a magnificent landslide
and the people of United
States know it all over
they’re demonstrating they’re angry,
they’re fearful.
We cannot allow
a completely fraudulent election to stand.
Thank you,
God Bless You and God Bless America.
【 12.30 役情最前線】
「1月6日にワシントンDCで会おう 見逃すな」
12月27日トランプ大統領は「1月6日にワシントンDCで会おう 見逃すな!」とツィートしました。
大統領選での不正が深刻だった事から、現在既に少なくとも11人の下院議員が激戦州の選挙人団の投票結果に反対すると示しています。上院議員側はRand Paul氏とTommy Tuberville氏が挑戦に参加すると示しています。
TX州の共和党下院議員で弁護士のLouie Gohmert氏は12月28日ペンス副大統領をTX州東部地区連邦地方裁判所に提訴しました。
同訴訟を借りて連邦裁判官が1887年に制定された選挙集計法Electoral Count Act)を覆し、2020年の選挙結果がトランプ大統領に有利になる様逆転させる権限をペンス氏に与える事を望んでいます。
ゴーマート氏は更にJeremy Kernodle裁判官に「ペンス副大統領には議会の合同会議中に」「トランプ大統領に投票した共和党の選挙人を選ぶ権利がある」との裁定を求めました。
トランプ氏は12月19日議会が選挙結果を認証する1月6日にわシンドンDCで「ストップ・ざ・スティール 盗みを止めろ」の抗議行動を行うことを始めてツィートし、「勢いが盛んな」イベントになることを仄めかしました。
次に在米社会経済学者である何清連氏が大紀元に寄稿した評論「米国を奪回するには まず2020大統領選を奪回しなければならない」を抜粋して紹介します。
民主党はマスコミの保護と裁判所の不作為で、盗まれた選挙が成功することを胸いっぱいに期待しています。しかしトランプ大統領を支持する有権者7500万人の「アメリカを取り戻そうTake Back America」という意志も衰えていません。
この1ヶ月程の間でバイデン政権の方針として「1500万人のアフリカ系移民への国境開放」「全米でのマリファナ合法化」「世論を顧みず他国の財政予算を優先」「バイデン内閣のメンバーになりかけている親中派のWestExce Advisors社」など民主党が政権を握れば、米国を率いて中国に向かって暴走する前触れである事が、より多くの人に明らかになりました。
しかし様々な不正が集大成した2020年の選挙詐欺だけは1人1票制が深刻な危機に瀕している事を深くアメリカ人に痛感させ、ついに1市民1票制 one citizen one voteが叫ばれました。